Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Everybody dies but not everybody lives

 Okay so basically yesterday I promised my best friend I would blog today so here goes:

A lot has happened since the last time I sat down and really put effort into a blog entry but in my defence I have had a pretty hectic life the last few months to say the least and anyone who knows me really well knows how true that statement is....But anyways, I had a really great winter. I am currently trying to will spring into existence because I am tired of the cold and want to enjoy all the outdoor activities that really just are not as do-able in the winter months. I have started to play basketball again though in my free time which is way awesome! never realized how much i missed playing until now. Also I am finished school this friday and will be on the job hunt again very soon so that I can make some dough before I have to go back to school again :P

I know this entry is kinda lame but I wanted to keep my promise to my best friend and at least post something hahaha but once again I really should be taking off because I am super tired and have another busy day of work and school coming up tomorrow!


  1. I will be the one to say that your life, indeed, has been insane over the last few months. But now that things are more "drama free", you should blog more. Because blogs are fun!

  2. i agree with julie, i'm starting to get into blogging, but i don't know i migh keep it.
