Monday, July 26, 2010
Hey! so I am still alive and I didn't sleep on dirt floors and I don't think i ate dog...but who knows...I never recognize half of the things i eat here hahah :P Its crazy Chinese Business society is just so different..and table manners are very different here. Everything that I was taught not to do at the table as a child by my mom is encouraged here..its really strange for me.
This is a video of the dancers at the Job I had this weekend in Ningbo, China.
It was a pretty crazy weekend, I arrived in Ningbo and we checked into the hotel and then we ate lunch then we got ready for the job getting all dressed up and stuff. We went to this nice place for dinner that was owned by this really eccentric Chinese guy.Then we went to this club and hung out for what felt like forever and then we just had to go out on stage and look pretty and then we went to another club and did the same thing three clubs in 2 nights. so basically i was just paid eye candy for the times..i guess it was an experience though.
It was a pretty crazy weekend, I arrived in Ningbo and we checked into the hotel and then we ate lunch then we got ready for the job getting all dressed up and stuff. We went to this nice place for dinner that was owned by this really eccentric Chinese guy.Then we went to this club and hung out for what felt like forever and then we just had to go out on stage and look pretty and then we went to another club and did the same thing three clubs in 2 nights. so basically i was just paid eye candy for the times..i guess it was an experience though.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
well I will let you all know how it all goes I am debating the pros and cons in my head right now so we will see...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Having Fun with the Hunsaker's!! :)
So today I had church and it was awesome as always!! I am going to miss this ward sooo much when I have to leave they are sooo amazing!! i always look forward to going to church on sunday :). The Hunsaker's drove me to church today which was a really nice change from taking a taxi every sunday! :)
other than that today I wrote some postcards and so hopefully I will be able to send those off real soon..
Oh and I went to dinner at the Hunsaker's today and we had chicken chili and it was amazing!! sooo good :) Oh and Noah is my new best friend :D jack ( i call him jack jack like from the incredibles :P) and Noah are the cutest little kids ever I have soo much fun hanging out at their house they are such an awesome family!!! :D
No idea what I am up to tmmrw but usually I have mondays off so I will probably explore Beijing more and find something really cool to do as always!! :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Baroque shoot..

I went home in the taxi and the taxi driver was soo funny :) best taxi driver i have had yet :D anyways I hung out with Jennifer and It was really great we went to this amazing restaurant called seafood and dumplings I believe and I had this pork there that was AMAZING! okay and annoying thing about china..they do not have any problem with you burping or horking or what ever but if you hold your chopsticks the wrong was they FLIP lol its sooo weird hahaha :P I asked for a fork and knife at dinner i think chopsticks are kinda really dumb..I mean i will use them if i have to but i prefer a fork..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
wow I can't believe it's been a month..only 2 more months in Beijing..
yeah so today it rained..and when it rains here in Beijing it really POURS and i am not kidding you get soaked to the bone wet..its ridic! I had to get my visa renewed today too so that was a bit of a HUGE pain...but awell i don't have to do that again for another 30 days..
Internet is suppose to be back up in my apartment tmmrw at 6pm so that should be nice because i am in some random internet cafe I found..its right across the street from my apartment but i hate having to order things just so i can use the internet its kinda annoying.
Anyways I am still sick and literally can sleep anywhere on demand at any given time..I just crave the comfort of my big blue comforter and my soft pillow constantly..being sick is no fun haha. especially when normal comforts are unattainable for the most part in my current global location haha. I fell asleep in the back of the cab a few times but Mama (my agency owner) kept talking to me and waking me up.
Other than that not much went on today I cooked some muffins and fish (not together..GROSS ahah) in my new toaster oven :) and I was glued to this book that i am reading called the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Its pretty good :P
I have also officially decided that Chinese tv is ridiculous and the acting is absolutely terrible! but anyways i am running out of chocolate milkshake to slowly drink in order to stay in the cafe and use the internet comfortably hahahha :P hopefully my internet is up by tmmrw ahha :P
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bikes,Bikini's and Bad internet :P

Hey all!
so today I had a shoot all day for a magazine called channel 5 or 5 channel or something I dunno...noone spoke very clear i guess i will find out when it comes out? i don't know haha. But anyways it was in the middle of nowhere and I had to ride a bike wearing: 1st outfit a really weird looking silver dress, a green outfit thingy, a full out professional bikers outfit and a bright orange bikini was an interesting shoot oh and did i mention i was wearing black sneakers with every outfit ahhahah. cause who doesn't go biking with a ridic amount of makeup in the middle of nowhere wearing a dress and a pair of sneakers hahaha?awell as ridic as it was it was pretty fun ahhaha. I am just hoping that i will get at least one photo that i will actually want to use :P
Anyways it was a long day of work. I am just sitting in Starbucks (my apartment internet connection is non-exsistent at the moment..but is suppose to be active again on friday hopefully..) The starbucks in China is different from the starbucks in canada they have all these strange frappuccino's i have never heard of..but if my internet connection stays not functional i get the chance to try each of them out i guess ahhaha :P Not that i don't want to try each of them out but i am hoping that my internet will come back up soon...starbucks is a bit of a walk and i prefer to skype and stuff from the comfort of my own apartment...awell i guess you can't always get what you want..
anyways this starbucks internet also sucks i guess you get what you pay for...yeah anyways the pic is of me and Alex hahah i am being a dork as per usual ahhaha :P we went to Papa John's Pizza after the shoot and she took a really silly video of me which she said she is going to put on fb ahaha so you may all get to see it ahhahah :P
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day of castings
So today I had 4 castings..mostly for show and catalogue..and this one really random casting that I think was for a video game advertisement...i was a lot of walking in heals..introducing myself and being stared at haha :P
Anyways tmmrw i have another magazine shoot i have no idea which magazine it is for but i will post pics as soon as i get them.. the shoot starts at 8:30am which i am not too overly pleased about but work is work i guess ahha
Other than that my life is pretty boring haha whenever i am not working i try to get in some sleep, do my grocery shopping (i don't trust the cleanliness of most the restaurants here so i mainly cook my own food) and relax aha :P
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hey Everyone
So I have been just sending out emails to everyone about my time so far in Beijing China but I figured it would just be much easier if I just kept a blog. I have never had a blog before so this is a completely new experience for me so we will see how this goes.
I have been in Beijing, China for about a month now. At first I found it to be a HUGE culture shock but now I am really starting to settle into my new surroundings and find myself actually feeling quite at home here. It will probably be very hard for me to leave china after my remaining 5 months are up here...
Okay so for those of you who have no idea what has been going on in my life for the last month I will give you a bit of an update :P
I arrived in china on the 15th of June. The jet leg was a bit rough for the first little while but once I past that things started to get easier. At first I was living in a model apartment which was not so great and then i got my own apartment which I am currently residing in :)
I haven't really been able to see many of the sights up close yet but I have caught a few glimpses of the Great wall, forbidden city and I actually got to visit the Summer palace which was pretty cool.
Life is very different than life in Canada..sometimes its interesting and other times it is frustrating haha but it is all apart of the experience. The heat can be tough to handle at times but i have learned to cope by wearing light clothing and putting my air-conditioning up full blast :P
I am headed off to more castings soon so I will blog more later!
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